Energy for Motion

Energy for Motion is a development project of the Department of Energy funded by MIUR (Dipartimenti di Eccellenza 2018-2022). It aims at the growth, enforcement and integration of the broad expertise of the Department in field of energy technologies for the new generation vehicles.

A five-year project with a 9M€ grant

Human resources

5,7 M€

  • a new research group on battery techology
  • new positions for young assistant professors


1,8 M€

  • a new laboratory on battery techology
  • new facilities to increase the TRL of existing labs


1,8 M€

  • improve the attractivess of PhD course at Departiment od Energy (DENG)
  • increase the internationalization

The four pillars of the Energy for Motion project

Energy for new generation vehicles

Hybrid vehicles with internal combustion engines

Fuel cell vehicles

Battery electric vehicles

Latest events

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